the Ella project

The World Through the Eyes of Americanized Dominicana

the next capoeira kid (parte dois) April 8, 2011

Filed under: Fitness — Ella @ 12:14 pm
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I think I can almost do that now

I must have a little masochist in me. Not in the sexual, tie me up, bite me, scratch me, “yesss papi” way (not that there’s anything wrong with that.) More like, in the why do I voluntarily put myself through torture even after I’m warned about it.

Why else would I join a Brazilian martial arts class after hearing this:

“oh we did about 100 pushups and then my boyfriend fainted! You should join the class”

That’s what my roommate Yeslan said to me after her second Capoeira class. My first thought was run! Run. As. Fast. And. As. Far. As. You. can. Except of course, this is not a good plan when your bedrooms happen to be right next to each other.

But there was no escaping this. This was something straight out of a television show. One day her best friend and the man who would become our capoeira instructor came in and threw out all the unhealthy foods from our apartment. They made up an exercise schedule, talked about portion controls and food options. Then they made sure she would stick to it by being there for her and the occasional showing up unannounced.

Eventually I gave in and decided to join the class. Not because I was serious about changing my life this time, not because I was particularly interested in Capoeira, but because I love my roommate. She is more than a friend, she is my sister and despite the fact that everyone around her looked past her being over weight the truth is she was 290 pounds and she was making a change. How could I not support her?

So there I was, standing in the middle of a gym full of people ranging from age 5 to 55 taking my first capoeira class. Everyone at different levels, some who have been training for years, others who just started like me. That first class was one of the most challenging moments I’ve had in a long time.

Pushup, Sit up, Jinga. Queixada. Kick. Duck, Crabwalk, Repeat.

I couldn’t move my body for a week after that. Even though that would have given me enough excuses to turn me away from another class ( I can’t walk! My butt hurts!) I went back the next class. I worked hard. Because there was Yeslan who couldn’t move 3 feet across the floor in her crabwalk the first class and then by the 4th class she was making it 3/4th’s of the way across the gym.

Finally, there was freddy, the capoeira instructor, who every class reminds us that we are there to challenge ourselves. He cares about teaching in a mostly Latino neighborhood in New York City. He could be teaching anywhere but he is passionate about his community. He is passionate about improving a community who is not very concerned about their health and about culture and showing them they can do it. Regardless of age, weight and those other barriers we put in place ourselves.

And me? I fell in love with capoeira. It is a great workout but it is also a culture and a community. I’m getting better every class. Which is amazing considering I’m so clumsy and now can kick without falling on my butt.

And more importantly I’m super proud of my friend Yeslan who has lost 40 pounds and counting. She is one kick a** Latina. Without her I wouldn’t have already lost 10 of the 20 pounds I gained and counting.

You can follow Yeslan’s weight loss journey (or as I like to call it- Yeslan low fat!) on facebook.


The Next Capoeira Kid (a true story) April 4, 2011

Filed under: Fitness — Ella @ 12:49 pm
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Not a Member of the Fat Kids Club


Every Wednesday I sat on the black Ikea couch with my roommates, a slice of pizza in my hand and one of us would always state “alright, starting Monday we are changing our lives.”


By the time Monday came around there was salad in the fridge, brown rice in the kitchen and gym memberships put in to use again. That is until Wednesday, when we sat back down on the couch; Kennedy fried chicken in our hands, and someone else saying “ok, ok, for real, starting on Monday we are changing our lives.”


Obviously, we were card carrying members of the fat kids club. The problem was that even though one of my roommates was over weight, my other roommate and I still seemed to fit into the same size 8 and size 6 clothes we fit into before (alright, I won’t lie to you. We were squeezing into these.)


Then at the end of January my roommate got a phone call from the man that would force us to change our lives. As she’s on the street on her way home her cell phone rings. The number calling happens to be her best friend’s but when she picks up a male voice responds.


Him: ready to change your life?

Her: yes?

Him: say it with conviction!

Her: YES?

Him: alright meet me at this address at 7:00pm. My phone number is 646-555 and you’ll get the last four digits when you get here

Her: …. Alright..


I know what you’re thinking. What crazy woman, in her right mind would meet a random man who she doesn’t know and wants to change her life?


My roommate that’s who.


That fateful day in January I get home and find her sitting in her room in her workout clothes, eyes open wide.


“ Some man called my phone and asked me if I wanted to change my life. I think this time is for real.”


You ever had a moment where you realize a change is coming? That you talked the talk but now it’s time to walk to the walk. Well, this is the story of how I really “changed my life”, became a better friend and became a Latina karate kid (Just kidding I became a Capoeira kid, but doesn’t Karate Kid sound better?)



To be continued