the Ella project

The World Through the Eyes of Americanized Dominicana

The Accidental Vegetarian May 24, 2011

Filed under: cooking — Ella @ 11:01 am
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Terry Hope Romero author of Viva Vegan (a latin vegan cookbook)

When I was in high school my best friend decided she was going to be a vegetarian. I have no idea how it happened but I was pretty sure she must have been kidnapped by hippies. That was the only logical explanation why a Dominican teenager would give up a delicious diet of rice, beans and whatever the meat of the day is (there’s a reason this is a stereotype. It’s true).

Honestly, at 17 vegetarian meant eating salad every day and there’s no way I was giving up my mother’s ribs. Now it’s 10 years later and the unthinkable has happened. Somehow, I accidentally started eating vegetarian. Yes, accidentally.


It all started when I moved out of my mother’s house and started living on my own. My mom never really sat down and taught me how to cook*. Maybe she took pity on me or perhaps she just didn’t want to be responsible for a roommate who died from starvation but my homegirl from college decided to show me how to make basic dishes. She is also very health conscious and everything I learned to make was pretty much vegetarian and healthy.  


I learned to make pasta and tofu and chickpea salads. Trust me it’s much easier to make a salad than it is to bake a chicken. Out of laziness, and habit, I started to cut out meat from my diet except for those times I went to visit my mother. There is no way she would understand how I could have “una cena vacia” (an empty dinner), meaning one with no meat.


Taken from Food inc

Lately, I’ve been thinking that I should start making a conscious decision about what I eat. Not out of laziness or circumstance but because I really care what I put into my body. I was watching Food inc with my girls once and I will never get one image out of my head. There are chicken farms where the chickens are so full of antibiotics and so fat that they can’t walk. You see them waddling for a step or two and them tumble over to their side. It’s heartbreaking but it’s also really disturbing to think that’s what I’m putting in my body.


I’m trying to go from accidental vegetarian to an on purpose vegetarian.  It’s going to be very hard to explain to my mother**. I’m also going to miss all my favorite childhood meat centered dishes. But, I can’t help but think I’ll feel better about myself when I consciously decide what to eat.


Last week I texted a friend of mine, who happens to be vegetarian, and asked her for the name of a vegetarian cook book. Her response was “welcome to the dark side”.  Well, I never much of a goodie goodie anyway.



 *I’d like to think this was because she was a single mom who worked full time and not because on many occasions I almost burned down the apartment.

 ** I promise to write about it when I get the balls to tell her. Dominican mami’s can be scary.


Monday Motivation May 23, 2011

Filed under: motivation — Ella @ 12:59 pm
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Make it Happen

It’s Monday. The good news is the world didn’t end.* The bad news is that most of us have to return to work. I’m working on that ever-elusive dream of doing what I love so that it doesn’t feel like work. But until then every weekend is not long enough and every Friday seems out of my reach on Monday.

The best way to get through a case of the Monday’s is to be reminded of where you want to be and actively work on getting it. This is a lesson I learned a few weeks ago when my homie Maiah** and I attended the Rising Affluent conference in New York City. It was a conference geared to black and latino young professionals to help them advance and achieve their goals.

Trust me, I didn’t know what to expect when I woke up at 6am on a Saturday morning (grumpy) but when it was over I felt that I could take over the world. What’s better than feeling you can take over the world on Monday (specially since you basically beat death on Saturday)?

Here are three ways you can start working on your dreams and beat a case of the Mondays.

Be The Best at What You’re Doing

What if I hate what I’m doing you ask. The answer is: it doesn’t matter. You never know who is watching. You never know the connections you can make. The point is to create opportunities by always producing excellent quality work.  Be better than the best. Whether you’re working retail or working at an office. There is no option.

Have a positive mindset

There is something to be said about self fulfilling prophecies. Nelson Boice, who spoke on a Rising Affluent panel, explained it best; there are people who say “I can” and people who say “ I can’t”. Both are correct. There may be obstacles, there may be set backs, but if you give up you will never reach your goals. The “I can” attitude is what separates those who do from those who don’t. What side are you on?

Challenge Yourself


Don’t be afraid of putting yourself in uncomfortable situations. There is a long history of people who were not happy in the position they were in and decided to do something about it (civil rights, dream act). That is when change occurs. When you’re too scared of the unknown. When you do something most people would call you crazy for. Don’t forget your vision. Don’t forget that the only way to reach your dreams is to take a chance.

Ready to take over the world? Or at least ready to follow your dreams? Make it happen.

*Shout out to my sister Claudia for calling every single person in the family to tell them she loves them pre-rapture. Then, for calling everyone again to let them know she survived the end of the world. Yes, that’s my family.

** check her out at


Crazy for Love May 20, 2011

Filed under: Relationships — Ella @ 9:17 am
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My good friend Laura sent me an email earlier this week from NYMAG’s Daily Intel. This bride was so devastated when her fiance called off the wedding she climbed out to a window ledge 80 ft above the ground. She, of course, jumped off the ledge and was caught by a worker.mid air. By the neck.  With the help of those on the lower floors he managed to save her life.

crazy right?

Which got me thinking, what’s the craziest thing you have done for love or at the very least a very strong like?

My answer to that would be clinging on to the hope that after many years the person I loved would love me back. Obviously, I dated others during that time but i still held on to the hope it would work out. It did.

The Today Show asked the same question a few years ago.  My favorite answer:

I drove like a bat out of hell to make it to a city 3 and a half hours away before the stroke of midnight this past New Year’s Eve to be able to kiss him, in a city I barely knew how to get around. I made it without getting stopped by cops, got lost in the city trying to find the club he was waiting for me at and managed to find him inside with 5 minutes to spare before midnight (sheer miracle). We kissed as soon as the New Year was rung in……it was worth it.

The craziest answer:

I poisoned my ex-lover. Read all about it on my website


Whatever happened to just playing a boombox over your head playing ” in your eyes” to win back the person you love?

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for love?


No Rachel, you can’t borrow my boyfriend May 18, 2011

Filed under: Relationships — Ella @ 9:58 am
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Don't Look So Innocent

Every girl who has seen an episode of sex and the city will see a bit of herself and her girlfriends in the fabulous foursome. They brunch, they happy hour, they drink cosmopolitans at the hottest spots in new York city and they love each other to death. That’s the way I would describe me and my girlfriends. Except on a budget, we all know new York city ain’t cheap.

This past Sunday the six of us decided to get together for dinner and a movie. We sat at a round table inside a Chinese restaurant which happens to be conveniently across the street from the theater. As we sat around the table laughing, catching up and making inappropriate comments to each other I thought about how lucky I am to have such great friends.

That is until we went to see something borrowed and were asked politely by the ushers to leave after the credits were up. You see, we got into a heated discussion after the movie.

The movie is about a woman who has been best friends with another since they were kids and sleeps with her best friends fiancé. Now for all intent and purposes this is supposed to be a romantic comedy. Except I can’t get one thing out of my head.  What is so romantic about your best friend hooking up with your boyfriend/fiancé?

Two bottles of wine (that we snuck into the theater and drank out of red solo cups-classy I know) and a movie later I posed this question to my friends. Half of my girlfriends loved the movie, they subscribe to the idea that sometimes good people make mistakes in the name of love.

The other half, myself included, wanted to punch rachel (the main character) and Dex (the fiancé) in the face.

Maybe it’s because I value friendship so much. I keep placing myself in Rachel’s shoes and can’t imagine myself doing something so terrible. I can’t imagine a situation where something like that is acceptable.
Alright I can think of one. It involves being away in college, lots if alcohol and the blurry lines between ” we’re just hooking up” and ” we’re totally together.”

But we’re in our mid twenties now. We have grown up from that right?


Jarritos: my new obsession May 17, 2011

Filed under: cooking — Ella @ 8:56 am
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i've tried every single one

First, I have to apologize to Chloe that this has taken me so long to write. I also have to apologize to my readers that it has taken me so long to write consistently on the blog. I’m working on a new project which you will hear about very soon. Now on to the post!

I am a sucker for trying new things. Something that scares most people but for me is like going on an adventure. So imagine my surprise when a few weeks ago i received a case of jarritos to review. At first, i was a little skeptical when I opened the box and saw the variety of flavors. Fruit punch, strawberry, guava, pineapple.

Let’s be honest growing up in the US the only flavors close to my heart are pepsi or coke. But being from the Dominican Republic I know that my American friends tend to miss out on flavors they have no idea exist.

what if I told you I have a grapefruit soda for you try? How about mandarin flavor? You’d probably shake your head at me and walk away and you’d be sorry you did. Jarritos are a perfect blend of fruit flavors and carbonation. It may be because they are made with sugar cane and not high fructose corn syrup (stay away from that, it’s not goof for you).  It may be because when you drink them it’s like being transported you to a different place. For me, it reminds me if laying beach side on vacation. How can you turn that down?

As an added incentive to try jarritos, club jarritos has a promotion where you can earn points and trade those in for prizes. Just buy a bottle and enter the code on the cap on their site and start collecting points. You can get anything from music downloads (25 points) to a 20 dollar gift card to best buy (500 points) to a 37 inch flat screen (15000) points.

I for one plan to buy as many tamarind flavored jarritos (my favorite) and work on getting that flat screen tv. I’m moving soon and that would look perfect in my new apartment. That also means I have to drink a whole lot of them. Anyone who wishes to add to the ” I need a new t.v for my apartment” fund feel free to send your caps to me.

for more information go to