the Ella project

The World Through the Eyes of Americanized Dominicana

Don’t act like a girl… act like a woman October 6, 2010


Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office


I often read the personal blog A Belle in Brooklyn. It’s a personal blog written by Demetria Lucas who has a book coming out next summer (I’m buying it, you should too). She talks about everything from dating and relationships to social issues.  One blog post mentioned her favorite books. I skimmed down the list and saw the title “Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office.” It’s a book detailing 101 mistakes women do subconsciously to sabotage their career.

I’ll be honest. Many times I don’t know what I want to do with myself.  At first, I wanted to be a doctor but after volunteering in an emergency room, I realized that it was not the career for me. Then I wanted to be a writer but wasn’t so sure how I would go about doing that. Plus, I wasn’t confident enough to have people read what I wrote and judge me (now, now let’s be serious, you have insecurities too). I wanted to win the lotto, though I never play it so we all know that plan wasn’t going to work out. Then I wanted to find a kind person who took pity on me and wanted to take care of me the rest of my life (still working on that one). So to say that I have a career would be a stretch.

Someone once told me that to find your passion you should figure out what you’d do for free. Then turn that into your career. I’m still trying to figure that out. This made me apprehensive to read the book to begin with.

One day my roommate walked in with the book in her hand. She had received it as a gift because she is starting her own jewelry business. As soon as she was done with the book I picked it up. What’s the first thing you learn from the introduction? STOP ACTING LIKE A GIRL AND ACT LIKE A WOMAN.

move on from this

I’m not yelling at you. I’m just trying to get the point across. We have been socialized as women to be nice, sweet and approachable, well liked.  Honestly, who doesn’t want to be all those things? That sounds like someone I’d want to be friends with in a heartbeat. However, that’s not what’s going to get us ahead in business. Neither is acting like a man. Many women tend to retain characteristics of girlhood well into their adult years.

It’s not our fault exactly. It’s the way the world chooses to freeze us. My man, my girlgirls like to have fun, men get advice on how to get girls, good girls aren’t loud. You get the picture. Subconsciously, we do things that show that. For example, asking your boss if you can take a day off.  Ms. Frankel, the author ,states that we are socialized to get approval before taking a step— any step. The thing is that children, not adults, ask for permission to do perfectly rational things. Your boss is not your parent. Instead of asking, we should make a statement instead of seeking approval. Such as, “I cannot come in on Friday”.

The book is an eye opener. Full of tips and tricks to prevent you from making those little mistakes that go unnoticed. Let’s face it; we live in a world where men make the rules. But, this is not a reason to throw a pity party. It’s a reason for us to learn to play the game and do it better. It’s about mastering the art of being a woman and having your needs met.

I give this book: 4 purple books out of 5: